
Take a look at our services in development and other innovation projects, all made possible by our major funders.

Explore 9 projects

  1. Imagined connections through a city.

    Transforming education and research with 5G private networking

    Empowering education and research with the reach, speed, security, and reliability of 5G private networks.

    Our project partners:

    • University of Bristol,
    • BT,
    • Bangor University,
    • Queen Mary University of London,
    • Grimsby Institute

    Project status: Ongoing project

  2. Students meeting in a large common area in a modern university building foyer.

    Introducing smart building management with advanced analytics

    Supporting the education sector with advanced building performance analytics for building management systems and connected Internet of things devices to provide real-time insights.

    Our project partners:

    • University of Gloucestershire,
    • Newcastle College Group,
    • Bishop Grosseteste University,
    • Honeywell Forge

    Project status: Ongoing project

  3. A research team in a meeting. Creating a new primary research record

    Developing a ground-breaking global service which could positively disrupt research culture, making it easier to share work of all kinds.

    Our project partners:

    • Octopus,
    • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI),
    • UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN)

    Project status: Ongoing project

Showing all 9 projects