
Take a look at our services in development and other innovation projects, all made possible by our major funders.

Explore 11 projects

  1. Imagined connections through a city.

    Transforming education and research with 5G private networking

    Empowering education and research with the reach, speed, security, and reliability of 5G private networks.

    Our project partners:

    • University of Bristol,
    • BT,
    • Bangor University,
    • Queen Mary University of London,
    • Grimsby Institute

    Project status: Ongoing project

  2. Shaping the future of Janet

    The Janet access programme will ensure that we continue to meet the needs of the UK education and research community.

    Our project partners:

    • Axians,
    • Ciena,
    • SSE Enterprise Telecoms

    Project status: Archived project

    Duration: 5 years and 7 months

    Project ended: 01 August 2023

  3. Janet end-to-end performance initiative

    Supporting user communities in making optimal use of the Janet Network for high-performance network applications.

    Project status: Archived project

    Duration: 8 years

    Project ended: 31 March 2023

  4. Transnational education (TNE)

    Delivering support for both established and developing TNE activities.

    Project status: Archived project

    Duration: 8 years and 4 months

    Project ended: 31 December 2021

Showing 10 of 11 projects