Telecommunications framework

Providing managed transmission services and dark fibre through a compliant route to market, saving you time and money.
About the telecommunications framework
This framework offers you the option to direct award to the first-ranked supplier or to run a mini competition against your specific requirements. The agreement is divided into two lots.
Lot one: managed transmission services
This can include:
- Leased circuits
- Wide area ethernet
- xDSL
- Dark fibre
Leased circuits and wide area ethernet services are typically required at bandwidths of 1Gbit/s and above. You can procure circuits with a range of bandwidths, including lower bandwidth circuits.
- Neos Networks Limited (first ranked supplier; direct award and mini competition)
- ITS Technology Group Limited (mini competition only)
- Telcom Networks Limited (mini competition only)
Lot two: dark fibre
Dark fibre is for customers requiring individual orders. It is a simple and easy process for you to award to a supplier that provides dark fibre.
- Neos Networks Limited (first ranked supplier; direct award and mini competition)
- ITS Technology Group Limited (mini competition only)
- Telcom Networks Limited (mini competition only)
Framework benefits
- Access to a range of transmission services
- Compliant with UK procurement legislation, saving you time on running a full procurement process
- Flexibility to direct award to the first ranked supplier or run a mini competition to suit your requirements rather than a full tender
- Save money through collaborative spend savings and reduced administrative costs
- Peace of mind knowing that JSL has already assessed suppliers for capacity, capability, economic and financial standing, technical capability, and experience
- Established terms and conditions of the agreement thanks to evaluation at the framework selection stage by JSL
Who is the telecommunications framework for?
The framework is open to higher education institutions, further education and specialist colleges and research council establishments in the UK.
The framework also covers purchases by:
- Charities and third sector organisations
- Any other organisations connected to or eligible to connect to the Janet network, including local authorities, regional broadband consortia, or other bodies whose core purpose is the support or advancement of further or higher education or of research
Many of the above organisations are members of higher and further education purchasing consortia. Any member of one of these consortia will be eligible to purchase from this framework, as will members of any other similar purchasing consortium in higher or further education that might be formed during the lifetime of the framework.
ISO certification
This service is included within the scope of our ISO9001 certificate.