
How to approach digital transformation in higher education: report and case studies

Findings from Jisc’s digital transformation research pilot.

How to approach digital transformation in higher education report cover

In 2024, we collaborated with 24 higher education providers in a research pilot to discover how our digital transformation toolkit could support digital transformation within their organisation.

The research pilot validated the success factors for effective digital transformation highlighted in the toolkit. This report, and the associated case studies and video interviews, show how the toolkit was used to support a wide range of digital change initiatives, for example:

  • To assist with the redevelopment of organisational digital strategy (Royal Northern College of Music and University of Worcester)
  • To benchmark whole-organisation digital maturity (Bath Spa University)
  • To consider how organisational digital culture might impact the successful integration of new digital infrastructure (University of Chester, University of Hull and the University of Manchester)
  • To reflect and support the development of new learning and teaching programmes (University of St Andrews)
  • To explore ways to achieve organisational strategic goals for educational excellence (Queen’s University Belfast’s development of an AI strategy and Sheffield Hallam University to support their digital learning transformation project)
  • To support international partnership development (Liverpool John Moores University and Université Côte d’Azur, France)
  • To provide evidence to inform decision-making and identify priorities (University of Westminster)
  • To benchmark current digital maturity in specific areas as a baseline against which to measure future improvement (City George’s, University of London)

The report shares the approaches universities are adopting to achieve digital transformation in a resource constrained landscape supported by Jisc’s framework for digital transformation in higher education and maturity model for digital transformation.

Read the full report

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Our pilots found that adopting a strategic approach to digital transformation can stimulate a review of existing processes, structures and management practices. It enables organisations to ask questions about their current state and to assess readiness, investment plans, governance and vision for the future.

“As Pro-vice-chancellor for education and students, I'm responsible for the strategy for education and students. But to really make that step change and transformation in the student journey, I need to be able to work and embed AI and digital transformation across the whole of the university. The Jisc framework enabled me to do that, creating shared languages, shared understanding, so that colleagues understood what it was we were trying to do, agreed the way forward so that we have one vision, one plan that everybody's working towards. That's been transformative for us as a university.”

Professor Judy Williams, pro-vice-chancellor for education and students, Queen's University Belfast

Our digital transformation toolkit is a set of online documents and resources developed in consultation with a range of UK professional bodies and our senior leaders working group. This ensures it reflects sector priorities and links to key UK HE models and frameworks already in use.

“One of the big values of Jisc’s framework and the work that we've done in the pilot project is it actually gives us a strong set of benchmarks and targets for us to work around. I think that sense of having a holistic view of digital transformation is very helpful. It's culturally centred rather than technologically centred, which I think helps it to form a better approach.”

Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein, president, City St George’s, University of London

Our toolkit is made up of:

Successful digital transformation requires effective digital leadership, appropriate investment, robust secure infrastructure, engaged stakeholders and digitally capable staff and students. The complexities and scale of higher education providers present challenges to achieving ambitious digital strategies.

Seven actions that maximise impact and minimise risk

  1. Connect digital transformation activities with organisational strategy
  2. Identify which parts of the toolkit can support your needs
  3. Engage cross-institutional senior leaders and stakeholders
  4. Collect data and make decisions based on evidence
  5. Consider the digital capabilities of those who will be affected by change
  6. Identify change opportunities at different resourcing levels and timeframes
  7. Review, adapt, and refresh your digital transformation strategy regularly

Learn from HE providers who have used the digital transformation toolkit

Each case study includes details about that provider’s organisational drivers, how they adapted the toolkit, the elements and sub-elements of the framework they referred to, the staff roles involved, the perceived benefits and potential impact of using the toolkit, and their planned next steps.

“Being involved in Jisc’s digital transformation pilot has been very important for Bath Spa University. It's enabled us to track our progress, to identify any gaps and to formulate our plans for the future. And the fact that it is a framework which has been devised with best practice across the sector has been invaluable to us.”

Professor Georgina Andrews, Vice-chancellor, Bath Spa University

The 12 case studies

These case studies are designed to support you in considering how you and your organisation might benefit from using the toolkit.

Bath Spa University case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit supports organisation-wide digital maturity assessment: reviewing digital strategy, identifying gaps and highlighting the importance of digital fluency.

University of Chester case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit supports move to a new VLE: connecting digital infrastructure change with learning and teaching improvement opportunities by facilitating a community-based digital culture shift.

City St George’s, University of London case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit supports a focus on organisational digital culture: the importance of senior management support to embed ‘people focus’ into ongoing digital change programmes.

Université Côte d’Azur, France case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit provides a common global language: discussing digital transformation opportunities across international university partnerships.

University of Hull case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit supports cultural engagement with three new IT enterprise platforms: from rollout to ‘business as usual’ requires early staff engagement and support for digital capabilities.

University of Manchester case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit supports institutional change programme: from implementation of a new central learning environment to consideration of the broader organisational digital culture needs.

Queen’s University Belfast case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit focuses on future AI practice: using the toolkit to support institutional co-creation of a new AI strategy.

Royal Northern College of Music case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit informs development of a new digital strategy: using the resources to stimulate senior leadership discussions and co-create a holistic plan for the next four years.

Sheffield Hallam University case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit boosts ongoing digital initiatives: providing a language and adaptable framework to describe ongoing transformation and better engage executive-level leaders.

University of St Andrews case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit supports strategic initiative: an inclusive, incremental and people-centred approach to evolving the institution’s online learning offer.

University of Westminster case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit for evidence-based decision making: using the maturity model to identify and prioritise improvement opportunities, with a focus on organisational digital culture.

University of Worcester case study (pdf)

Jisc’s digital transformation toolkit informs strategic update: supporting a strategic refresh and engaging staff to participate in the conversation.

The video case studies

Queen's University Belfast

Find out how Queen’s University Belfast is implementing digital transformation in their organisation.

Sheffield Hallam University

Find out more about how Sheffield Hallam University is driving digital transformation.

City of St. George's, University of London

Explore how City of St. George's, University of London is embracing digital transformation to enhance flexibility, inclusivity, and innovation in higher education, ensuring students and staff are equipped for the future.

Our thanks go to all the HE providers who worked with us on the research pilot:

  • Abertay University
  • Bath Spa University
  • University of Bedfordshire
  • Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • University of Chester
  • City St George’s University of London
  • Université Côte d’Azur
  • Coventry University
  • University of East London
  • University of Hull
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • University of Manchester
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • University of Northampton
  • University of Oxford
  • Queen’s University Belfast
  • Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM)
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • University of St Andrews
  • Swansea University
  • Teesside University
  • University of Westminster
  • University of Worcester

How we can work with you

In addition to the resources in this report, our digital transformation consultancy is designed to act as an extension to your in-house teams: bridging gaps, offering specialist insights, actionable strategies and a fresh perspective when and where you need it. Find out more about how the consultancy can support you in your digital transformation journey.

Find out more

About the authors

Tabetha Newman
Dr Tabetha Newman
Senior research consultant and CEO, Timmus Limited
Lou McGill
Consultant - digital transformation in higher education
Sarah Knight
Sarah Knight
Director of digital transformation (HE)

I am director of digital transformation in higher education. My team and I support universities with their digital transformation agenda. This includes working with senior leaders to support their use of the framework and maturity model for digital transformation in higher education. Other activities in my portfolio include projects exploring future trends for assessment and feedback, researching international and transnational education (TNE) students' digital experiences and supporting staff with designing blended learning. In addition we support communities of practice including our senior leaders working group for digital transformation, our student experience experts group, working groups for assessment and feedback and international and TNE students’ digital experiences.