The world’s authoritative and quality-assured directory of open access repositories.
OpenDOAR is the quality-assured global directory of academic open access repositories. It enables the identification, browsing and search for repositories, based on a range of features, such as location, software or type of material held.
Tools and support enable both repository administrators and service providers to share best practice and improve the quality of the repository infrastructure.
Using OpenDOAR enables librarians and their institutions to:
- Ensure their repository is providing a comparable service to their selected peer institutions
- Take advantage of best practice and provide good collection-level metadata
- Raise the visibility of the repository and its contents to search services, benefiting the institution as a whole
- Provide analytic services for repository managers, enabling benchmarking of repository services
For end-users, it also means that:
- Researchers are able to find institutional, subject-based or governmental repositories of open access material
- Repository administrators can compare repository structure and content and find best practice in repository provision
- Analysts can use OpenDOAR to chart the growth of repositories – and repository content - in the UK and beyond