Open policy finder

Helping authors and institutions to make informed decisions in open access publication and compliance.
Open policy finder is the trusted source on open access archiving and compliance information. It provides clear, accurate summaries of publisher policies for journals and books, and funder requirements for archiving and publication.
An open access compliance checker and a transitional agreement look-up tool are also included in open policy finder. These features provide a comprehensive resource for research support teams, librarians and researchers.
- Clarity - provides clear summaries of complex policies
- Efficiency - all relevant policy and compliance information is in one place
- Accuracy - open policy finder data undergoes regular review. We update policy records when notified of updates by publishers or our user community
- Coverage - we hold records for publishers, journals and funders based across the globe
- APIs - data is available via our APIs, adding policy data into systems and workflows
Getting started
This service is included in your Jisc membership. Visit the platform page to start using open policy finder.
If you have questions about your organisation's membership, contact your relationship manager. If you would like more advice about open policy finder, get in touch at
This service was formerly known as Sherpa services.