Library hub discover

A national-scale view of academic library collections and an efficient and effective way of discovering and accessing resources.
Library hub discover gives researchers and library staff access to a wealth of library data. It covers 100+ UK and Irish academic, national and special library collections, including rare and unique materials as well as open access content.
This is part of a suite of library services, which build on the aggregation of data contained in the national bibliographic knowledgebase (NBK). Freely and globally available, library hub discover enables researchers and library staff to find and explore research resources nationally. It also helps contributing libraries to expose their own collections to academic and wider audiences.
Library hub discover makes it easier for researchers and library staff to complete a range of bibliographic tasks and manage collections.
Key features
- The full catalogue or special collections from every contributor, as well as related materials such as abstracts and cover images
- An easy to use interface that helps you explore data in detail
- Access to rare and hard to discover materials, thanks to a growing number of specialist contributors
- For contributing libraries, the ability to make collections discoverable worldwide
- Many detailed records with high quality data
- The ability to help us shape the service, by giving us your feedback
- Personalised user support