
Take a look at our services in development and other innovation projects, all made possible by our major funders.

Explore 29 projects

  1. Students in the library talk next to a robot.

    Accessible digital futures

    Unlocking the potential for accessible digital and AI technologies in higher education (HE).

    Our project partners:

    • Glenlead Centre

    Project status: Ongoing project

  2. Imagined connections through a city.

    Transforming education and research with 5G private networking

    Empowering education and research with the reach, speed, security, and reliability of 5G private networks.

    Our project partners:

    • University of Bristol,
    • BT,
    • Bangor University,
    • Queen Mary University of London,
    • Grimsby Institute

    Project status: Ongoing project

Showing 10 of 29 projects