Research advisory groups

Our advisory groups help to guide our work and ensure products and services meet the needs of the community.

A group meeting in an office.

Archives Hub Steering Committee

Representing the interests of Jisc members and Archives Hub contributors, to provide strategic and policy guidance on the operations and development of the service, and to raise and discuss the opportunities and constraints faced by the service.

Find out about Archives Hub Steering Committee.

Institutional rights retention policies task and finish group

Supporting the implementation of institutional rights retention policies by ensuring HEIs work on this collaboratively, leveraging each other’s valuable experience and knowledge for the benefit of the wider community.

Find out about the Institutional Rights Retention Policies Task and Finish Group

IRUS-UK user group

Focusing on the practical aspects of using the IRUS-UK service including reporting, using, and consuming the statistics.

Find out about the IRUS-UK user group.