Equitable licensing oversight group

A task and finish group to support the research portfolio.

The adoption of equity indicators as part of negotiations for open access agreements will support a transition from volume/article-based models towards more financially sustainable and equitable scholarly communication arrangements.

The group will define the equity indicators and how they are applied and implemented, including learning from/sharing experiences with international peer organisations. Group members will also scrutinise publisher proposals for non-volume/article-based models.

Through this activity the group will refine proposals, identify best in class exemplar agreements and monitor publishers unable to commit to a non-volume/article-based model immediately.


  • Niamh Tumelty, London School of Economics and Political Science (Co-chair)
  • Jeremy Upton, University of Edinburgh (Co-chair)
  • Nick Woolley, Sheffield Hallam University (Co-chair)
  • Sandra Bracegirdle, University of Manchester
  • Yvonne Budden, University of Warwick
  • John Dalling, University of Wales, Trinity St David
  • Stephen Grace, London South Bank University
  • Beth Montague-Hellen, The Francis Crick Institute
  • Josh Sendall, University of Leeds
  • Sarah Thompson, University of York
  • Benjamin Veasey, University of Derby
  • Dr Steven Vidovic, University of Southampton
  • Hannah Whaley, University of Dundee

Membership information

The combined membership of the group will be representative of all UK universities and the diversity of size, income, approaches, ambitions, strategies, students, researchers and staff etc contained within those institutions. The membership should have wide geographical coverage.

Memberships of other Jisc groups will be taken into account when selecting institutions to reasonably avoid duplication of individuals and institutions. Exceptions to this approach include where chairs of the expert level groups should sit on the linked strategy group and members providing a link between expert level groups.

There will be up to 13 representative members from HE institutions. Members will be library directors, associate library directors and senior leads with expertise in collections and/or open research.

This number will include the role of chair or co-chairs.

Meeting papers

The papers for meetings should be shared with the members one week prior to the relevant meeting.

The agenda will identify which papers are confidential to the group, which are confidential across the groups (ie will be available to the other strategic groups within Jisc) and which are confidential to the sector. If the content of the paper can be shared with the sector but the paper itself should not be shared then this will be specified on the agenda.

Subject to the paragraph above, members may share papers, or the information set out in these, within the sector where there is strategic benefit, for example to update and gain insight from their networks and to obtain the views of colleagues in different roles.

Where it is permitted to share a paper within the sector this must be done securely, for example within an institutions Microsoft Teams or similar system. Papers should not be shared using e-mail unless the paper is password protected and the password is shared by separate means (eg text, in person, phone call). Password protected papers can be provided if required.

Please advise colleagues who are being given sight of any papers that they must not share these further. To support meeting preparations and sharing with colleagues in the sector, Jisc will aim to produce summaries of papers where the information can be condensed but still provide enough insight for a constructive response.


When a vacancy for a representative member arises this would either be recruited by identifying and inviting an individual with the appropriate skills and expertise, or by a selection process. In either situation the selection made would maintain the representation of the group across the diversity of institutions it represents, including wide geographical coverage. A selection process is more likely to be used when a larger number of vacancies arises.

Recruitment of individuals should ensure participation from a variety of roles across the sector, including from directors and associate director level, as well as operational roles.

Review and time period

This is a task and finish group which will close once their work is completed. It is anticipated that this group will run for 18 months to two years from January 2025.

Jisc and group members will reflect on the group's role and progress with the matters within its remit regularly (at least annually) to plan any changes. The group's main tasks may be completed, no longer required or change significantly and in these scenarios the group would close.

The groups remit may need to shift in order to reflect any changes in the landscape and the support required from Jisc as a result. Where it is appropriate for the group to continue any required changes will be incorporated into the groups remit.