
We offer tailored services to meet the needs of the education and research sector in England.

Start with people: Sheffield Hallam University’s digital learning transformation project

Giving staff and students the digital skills and capabilities they need has been at the centre of Sheffield Hallam’s digital learning transformation project.

Read Sheffield Hallam's digital learning transformation project story.

Digital learning and dynamic spaces: how e-books are transforming the student experience at Itchen College

By embracing digital tools like e-books and rethinking how spaces are used, the team at Itchen College, Southampton, have created a model of sustainable success.

Read Itchen College's about digital learning project.

Events local to you

We deliver a wide range of events throughout the year, focused on specific topics, services and projects, and open to any of our members.

Connect More

Connect More is our UK-wide summer events series, providing practitioners in further education (FE) and higher education (HE) with the opportunity to:

  • Share expertise and insights
  • Benefit from peer-to-peer learning
  • Better understand how we can help you and your sector

Continued engagement

Our forums help to ensure we understand your needs and deliver you a valuable service.


Every year we formally consult with our members in FE and HE. We aim to update you on our activities and ensure we continue to deliver world-class services that meet your needs, including your local and national priorities.

Stakeholder forum

Our stakeholder forum, for FE and HE leaders, coincides with Digifest each year. It offers members an opportunity to engage with us and our board to help shape our strategy and priorities, as well as our national and regional activities.

Find out more

To find out more about our services, please contact your relationship manager.

Contact your relationship manager