How we are funded
We receive core funding from the UK higher education and further education funding bodies.
The majority of our funding comes from the UK HE and FE funding bodies, with additional support coming via membership subscriptions from higher education institutions (UK-wide) and further education institutions (in England only). HESA data is funded by subscriptions from the higher education providers from whom data is collected.
Our core funders
Office for Students

UK Research and Innovation/Research England

Department for Education

Scottish Funding Council

Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW)

Welsh Government

Department for the Economy

Our core funders collectively nominate one person to the board. A single observer representing all the funders can attend board meetings.
Funders and owners group
Each core funder also sits on the funders and owners group which provides advice to our trustees and leadership team.
About the funders and owners group
Our funders and owners group provide advice to our trustees and leadership team.
The group meet two to three times a year to advise on funding and governance matters:
- For funders, members and Jisc to update each other on key matters pertinent to their relationship
- To discuss and consider key areas of Jisc activity and associated developments
- To consider progress with, and accountability for, priorities that the funders and owners have identified and future funding issues
The funders and owners group is chaired by the Jisc chair and includes representatives of our funders and representative members.
Our funders and owners group provide advice to our trustees and leadership team.
The group meet two to three times a year to advise on funding and governance matters:
- For funders, members and Jisc to update each other on key matters pertinent to their relationship
- To discuss and consider key areas of Jisc activity and associated developments
- To consider progress with, and accountability for, priorities that the funders and owners have identified and future funding issues
The funders and owners group is chaired by the Jisc chair and includes representatives of our funders and representative members.
Higher education institutions
HE institutions contribute to the cost of Jisc by paying a membership subscription – see how this contribution is calculated. (Please note, this is separate from the Jisc banding model - used to calculate the cost of products outside of the core services.)
Further education institutions (in England only)
General FE institutions and sixth form colleges contribute to the cost of Jisc by paying a membership subscription – read more about these contributions. (Please note, this does not include items covered by the Jisc banding model - used to calculate the cost of products outside of the core services.)
More information
Find out more about Jisc membership and what's included.