
Heidi Plus advanced

Take your knowledge of Heidi Plus to an advanced level through a series of practical, hands-on tasks.

  • In person
  • 1 session
  • 1 day
  • £300 + VAT

This course will be held on

  • 24 September 2025

    • In person
    • 09:30 – 16:30


This one-day course is for gold Heidi Plus users who wish to learn about and use the more advanced features of Heidi Plus as a data visualisation tool.

Enjoy this interactive course which requires participants to engage in practical exercises under the supervision and guidance of an expert trainer.

The in-person course takes place at the Jisc office in Manchester.

Accreditation, in the form of a digital badge, is awarded to a course participant after full attendance and successful completion of integral, required tasks.

Who is it for?

The course is suitable for gold Heidi Plus users who have completed the Heidi Plus beginner course and/or already know how to:

  • Navigate the Heidi Plus system
  • Create and format interactive visualisations from appropriate HESA data sources, using Tableau
  • Export and share workbooks, applying data protection principles
  • Begin to apply pre-defined analytics and calculated fields to visualisations to benchmark the performance of higher education providers
  • Create a basic data dashboard

In addition, you must:

  • Already have your own sign in credentials to the HESA identity system as a gold Heidi Plus user
  • Be able to sign in to Heidi Plus on your own device and complete tasks as the course is running
  • If attending in person, bring a laptop on which you can sign in to Heidi Plus

What does it cover?

On completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Create advanced data visualisations
  • Blend written formula with pre-defined computations to benchmark the performance of higher education providers using HESA data
  • Write complex formula to create dimensions, measures and conditional clauses, with a particular focus on using LOD expressions
  • Create parameters to forecast and benchmark performance
  • Link multiple data sources together
  • Create a visually engaging and interactive business dashboard

What else do I need to know?

  • Internet connection is provided
  • Lunch and refreshments are provided
  • You will be supplied with all necessary documentation and supporting resources

Capacity is 5 - 15 participants. Please note that, if the minimum number is not reached, the course may be cancelled or moved online

Pricing and eligibility

In person member price - £300 plus VAT


Email for more information.