Planning for action workshop

Facilitated collaborative workshop to improve your implementation of strategic objectives.
The planning for action workshop brings your organisation's senior management and leadership teams together to work on how to deliver strategic digital goals.
Workshop focus
Those involved will have a shared interest in coordinating their planning and actions to share ideas and understand common interests. Exploring the options together encourages new insights and presents new possibilities to combine effort and shared resources.
Planning for action encourages teams to focus on the key objectives to achieve their organisation's vision for digital transformation.
Facilitated by our consultancy team, the workshop enables participants to:
- Identify drivers for digital delivery (vision for change workshop outputs)
- Explore priorities: where are we and where are we going?
- Devise a strategy action delivery plan or road map
Jisc’s support combines independent, up-to-date subject knowledge with facilitation expertise and experience.
How does it work?
First, we help you organise your digital goals by guiding you through an exploration of the priorities for your strategic digital objectives. You identify the known and possible challenges to implementing your goals and how these can be removed.
Next, we encourage you to identify a shortlist of five or six strategic priorities and help you transfer these into SMART actions. These have defined objective owners, resources and timelines for delivery.
Throughout the workshop, we create a sense of shared ownership and a commitment to deliver the prioritised strategic digital goals.
The workshop's outcomes include:
- Creating a unified action plan or strategic road map
- Clearly defined roles and responsibilities for delivering the agreed actions
- A staff support network to help support implement the action plan
The planning for action workshop can be delivered independently or following a vision for change workshop, where you will have already identified barriers to strategic goals and explored options for change.