New national survey of FE college staff’s digital experience
Jisc’s digital experience insights survey will be opened to all teaching and professional staff in UK further education from 9 April 2025.
New national versions of Jisc’s digital experience insights survey for FE teachers and professional services staff will launch on 9 April 2025. The survey has been run by individual colleges since 2018 with 2025 seeing the survey rolled out nationally for the first time.
The ten-minute survey gives staff at colleges the opportunity to highlight technologies that work well, and those that could be improved. Topics include devices, access to resources, and digital skills.
Results from the survey will give a national picture of the digital experience of FE staff. Colleges will be able to use those results to make informed decisions when procuring technology and improve the working lives of teachers, administrators, and support staff.
An online launch event and discussion about digital teaching in further education will be held on 10 April 2025.
FE colleges who run their own digital experience insights survey will continue to benefit from local insight specific to their own technology and digital environment. Staff from these colleges will be directed to their local version of the survey.
Visit 2025 FE Teaching and Professional Services Staff National Surveys for more information about the national survey.