Data maturity framework glossary and definitions

A glossary of terms used in the data maturity framework.

[A] - [B] - [C] - [D] - [E] - [F] - [G] - [H] - [I] - [J] - [K] - [L] - [M] - [N] - [O] - [P] - [Q] - [R] - [S] - [T] - [U] - [V] - [W] - [X] - [Y] - [Z]


AlteryxA self-service platform to prepare, blend and analyse data.
Amazon RedshiftAmazon's cloud-based data warehouse.
Amazon Web ServicesAWSAmazon's cloud platform.
Application programming interfaceAPIFor automated data movement between systems and data layers.
ApplicationsSoftware to support digital activity, most commonly the Microsoft or Google suites.
ArtefactsTemplates or other documentation used within reporting or data governance activities (eg, report specification template).
Artificial intelligenceAIThe intelligence of machines which, in this environment, refers to its use to process and analyse large quantities of data to extract patterns and suggest predictions.
AttributeWithin data modelling, descriptive information relating to entities. (eg, a student entity will have attributes such as student ID and student surname).
Audit balance controlABCThe controls required in data processing to ensure that tables are populated in a logical order and adhere to dependencies. Poor ABC can result in data processes breaking.
Big dataLarge diverse data sources that continue to grow. These may be structured (numeric) or unstructured (emails, web comments). Data sources are likely to be long (contain tens of millions of rows) as well as wide (tens to hundreds of columns) and require specialist processing software.
BlockerAn issue that prevents something from happening or succeeding.
Building digital capabilitiesBDCA Jisc product, which enables individuals to assess their digital understanding and skillsets. On completion, access is given to resources to support learning and development.
Business analystThis role focuses on process improvement and may be used in the analysis of system provision to ensure a solution meets the needs of users.
Business architectA role responsible for the development of business architecture.
Business architectureA practice which considers capability, delivery, structure and information across the organisation. This includes the role of people, processes and strategies and helps to ensure the right activity is taking place to allow the organisation to function effectively.
Business areaAn operational or strategic area of your institution or college with a definable set of requirements for reporting (eg, student recruitment).
Business glossaryAn element of a data catalogue that includes Business Metadata (eg student ID).
Business intelligenceThe processes and technical infrastructure that collects, stores, and analyses the data produced by your organisation’s activities.
Business intelligence analystThis is a hybrid technical - analytical role: skillsets include requirements gathering, report definition, data analysis, report building in visualisation software and presenting to stakeholders. In some roles, SQL skills enable dataset development.
Business intelligence developerThis role requires a technical skillset, usually SQL, to write data processing routines that transform data in system tables into subsets structured for onward reporting or analysis.
Business ownerThe function or head of function responsible for an operational area. They may line manage the business system owner, and are likely to hold some accountability in relation to system data quality.
Business process analysisThe documentation of how system tables update based on user action. This knowledge is needed when deltas are used to find changes to datasets (rather than making complete table copies) in data warehousing.
Business questionBQA distinct question that can be asked of a data set, as the starting point for data model definition (eg "How many mature students do we have?" is a simple business question). In data warehousing, a business question may be linked to a definitive business question (eg How many students do you have?).
Business ruleThe logic that is applied to the transformation of a dataset, often to define student or staff populations based on definitions required by statutory bodies or funders (eg full time, part time).
Business sub areaA subset of business area, in more complex organisations, enabling the clearer definition of reporting needs or ownership (eg within student recruitment a sub area may be outreach).
Business system ownerThe function or individual responsible for an operational system. While IT may procure and configure systems, this is done in conjunction with the admistrative section.
Cloud On demand data storage and computing power from an external provider. This is an alternative to on premise server management and can provide an agile solution to data storage.
Conceptual data modelA high-level description of information needs that typically includes only the main concepts and the main relationships among them.
Core reportingA defined set of automated corporate reports aimed at user groups, typcially delivered by a central team to an agreed schedule. They provide a user friendly single version of the truth for commonly required data and can reduce the colume of ad hoc queries. They should enable efforts to focus on more complex and bespoke queries.
Corporate systemA system to support adminsitrative activity that is maintained or is overseen by a central IT team. Good corporate systems negate the need for siloed, ad hoc or spreadsheet solutions in departments or professional services.
Cube A multidimensional data model that stores optimized, summarized or aggregated data represented as dimensions and facts. Typically used to decrease processing time so report filtering is faster than when pointed at an entire database. They are of less use when the database is well structured or processing power is strong.
Curriculum analyticsThe use of data to analyse and optimise the structure of the curriculum (eg defining assessment methods based on data that evidences how different student cohorts perform).
Customer relationship managementCRMA system for recording interactions with customers or organisations. They hold contact details, account information and all meetings and discussions between parties.
Dashboard A visual representation of the data needed to understand a reporting area. Dashboards are usually automated to enable the user to filter options. Good dashboards adhere to UX and accessibility considerations.
Data aggregationCombining raw transactional data in system tables to form aggregated values (eg sum, average).
Data analysis expressionsDAXA language used within Microsoft products.
Data analystA role that examines, cleans, tranforms and models data for onward use in tools such as MS excel or SSMS. This role may be relatively early career and a starting point for progression into more specialist roles - BI developer, BI analyst, data engineer.
Data architectA role responsible for the development of data architecture.
Data architectureThe consistent management and documenation of data types across the institution or college, including meta data, master data and reference data, and the tools that enable this.
Data catalogueAn inventory of all data in the organisation. This is the tool that can help you manage data as an asset by helping you know what data you have.
Data championA senior leader who represents and presents data related considerations in strategic discussion.
Data consultancyA Jisc service - helping institutions analyse their data and develop their data maturity.
Data denormalisationThis is a technique used in data warehousing for reducing the number of joins between tables, which can affect speed. One larger table may replace several smaller, adding duplication but improving querying. Duplicating data can however make the table harder to maintain.
Data dictionaryThe definition of technical metadata, and data lineage, for a specific database or system.
Data domainA definable set of corporate data, typically from a single database or system, or several systems linked by agreed meta data (eg student, finance) with agreed ownership.
Data drivenAn organisation that looks to maximise the value of the data it holds and use it proactively for the benefit of the business through investing in data skills.
Data engineerA role that acquires datasets, creates algorithms to transform the data and tests and validates the outputs. This may support operational reporting or data science.
Data engineeringThe design and build of systems to collect, store and analyse data by data engineers.
Data exploitationIn data warehousing, the creation of flags or markers in the database to enable standard definitions across all downstream outputs (eg, once disparate system codes for age are understood, a young/mature flag can be created that can be used across all data sources).
Data explorationExamining data sources to see what insight they may provide. This contrasts with reporting which is typically requirements driven. Where core reporting is in place, a mature team will be resourced to explore new uses from data assets.
Data fabricA design concept that optimizes data management by automating repetitive tasks such as profiling datasets, discovering and aligning schema to new data sources, and at its most advanced, resolving failed data integration.
Data governanceIn simple terms, ensuring that data is managed, or doing the right things.
Data governance - accountabilityThe clarity on individual, team and functional responsibilities in relation to data assets.
Data governance - accountability - data ownershipThe visibility and defined accountability for all data assets in the university, provider or college.
Data governance - acountability - data rolesThe roles needed to support data management and governance. These may be specialist standalone posts or form part of a wider remit.
Data governance - accountability - resolutionThe collaboration between functions and individuals to ensure data quality or governance issues are resolved successfully.
Data governance - assuranceThe mechanisms to monitor the effectiveness of data governance activities.
Data governance - assurance - issue managementThe processes and planning in place to ensure data management activities are identified and resolved.
Data governance - assurance - monitoring and measurementThe metrics and targets that enable assessment of the success of data management activity.
Data governance - assurance - policiesThe principles we adhere to in our data management activities and the guidance for how to manage breaches to these.
Data governance - change ImpactThe impact on data assets of predicted and unpredicted change activity.
Data governance - change impact - managing turnoverSuccession planning and mitigating the risks of single points of failure in teams.
Data governance - change impact - new systemsThe visbility of data within systems, flows and dependencies that enables successful system replacement activity.
Data governance - change impact - organisational structureThe management of institution, provider or college hierarchies to ensure changes do not impact data or reporting provision.
Data governance - engagementThe effective management of relationships with stakeholders and approach to the barriers to effective data governance.
Data governance - engagement - barriersCollective understanding of data governance, and the cultural barriers (for example, lack of engagement) that risk good practice.
Data governance - engagement - behavioursThe reality of data management in the organisation - is there best practice?
Data governance - engagement - stakeholdersUnderstanding the stakeholders in data management and how proactively they are engaged.
Data governance - riskThe appetite for and approach to the management of risk in relation to data assets.
Data governance - risk - business continuityHow integral is data management and use within business continuity activity?
Data governance - risk - privacyThe understanding of legislation relating to identifiable data, including GDPR.
Data governance - risk - risk assessmentThe processes in place to monitor, manage and mitigate risks in relation to data and data usage.
Data governance - valueThe understanding of the value that can be gained from data assets  and how that can be realised.
Data governance - value - data lineageThe visibility and documentation of how data is transformed as it moves across the organisation, enabling effective error checks and management.
Data governance - value - data relationshipsCollective understanding of how data sources or individual tables relate, so they can be joined and then leveraged for value added activity.
Data governance - value - definitions and standardsConsensus on the best format for a data dictionary that will work across all data assets.
Data lakeA centralised repository storing data in raw, unstructured form.
Data lakehouseA unified platform to store and analyse diverse data types, combining the capability of a data lake and a data warehouse.
Data lineageAn understanding of the source, transformation and movement of data through the organisation, to provide visibility of the impact of changes.
Data literacyThe ability to read, analyse and communicate with data. It empowers your teams, helps them make good use of the data available. Relates to senior leaders as well as the broader skillsets of all staff.
Data managementIn simple terms, managing your data to achieve goals - or, doing the right things right. This includes the data that is required, and the management of data at the end of its lifecycle - when it is no longer needed.
Data mesh architectureA structured approach to enable decentralised teams to work in an agile manner to deliver and consume data products for each data domain.
Data pipelineA set of processes and tools that automate the flow of data from source tables to target destinations, including processing and transformation.
Data platformThe range of elements required to support data management including data architecture, data warehousing, data analysis and data sharing. It also includes security considerations and policies.
Data processingThe activity of handling and transforming data from one state to another, typically involving joining tables, applying business rules and aggregation into metrics.
Data qualityQuality in this instance means fir for purpose - or good enough for the task it is intended for. This may require complete data accuracy, or sufficient accuracy for the task in hand.
Data queryA request to fetch data from a database, in order to process the data for onward use.
Data refreshThe update of a dataset in use for analysis or dashboarding. Refresh can be automated to a schedule (less than a minute to annually) or performed manually. The manually refresh of datasets used in interactive reporting software is a common hidden resource challenge.
Data scienceThe use of statistics, probability and scientific methods for data analysis and insight.
Data siloA database or other data repository (often a spreadsheet) not accessible to other parts of the universary or college. Silos affect efficiency and trust and are typcially not structured consistently (eg not following standard master or reference data) creating integration challenges.
Data stewardA role responsible for maximising the value of data assets - through oversight of processes and driving consistency.
Data strategyThe definition of how data assets and their value are utilised and support the institutional or college strategy.
Data strategy - executive accountabilityThe role and responsibilities of the executive in the delivery of effective data management activities.
Data strategy - executive accountability - frameworkThe formal structure that has been agreed to ensure data is managed effectively and accountability is clear.
Data strategy - executive accountability - oversightThe role of the executive or senior team in ensuring data is managed well.
Data strategy - executive accountability - securityThe safe storage and use of data in relation to current legislation and organisational risk appetite.
Data strategy - executive engagementThe priority assigned to the management and use of data as an organistional asset by the executive or senior leadership team.
Data strategy - executive engagement - investmentThe availability of funds to support data improvement activities, and the visibility and support of these activities among senior leaders.
Data strategy - executive engagement - senior awarenessThe approach of senior leaders to data, and whether it is viewed offensively as a capability or defensively as a risk.
Data strategy - executive engagement - senior experiencePrevious experience in the delivery of data and analytics services within the executive team.
Data strategy - information lifecycleThe university, college or provider approach to managing information, its appetite for risk and awareness of constraints.
Data strategy - information lifecycle - asset valueStatement on how data assets can support organisational strategy and objectives.
Data strategy - information lifecycle - constraints and ethicsConsideration and communication on the ethical use of data so that it supports but does not risk or exploit students and staff.
Data strategy - information lifecycle - risk appetiteStatement on organisational appetite for risk and how this defines thinking on the benefits of innovation versus the threat of change.
Data strategy - prioritiesThe definition of how data can support organisational objectives.
Data strategy - priorities - changeOrganisational awareness of the impact of change activities - new systems or processes - on data and onward reporting products and how this will be mitigated.
Data strategy - priorities - deliveryHow data and analytics activities are prioritised. This may include the definition of specific areas that will support organisational objectives, for example, the collection of data needed to understand student starting points.
Data strategy - priorities - outcomesThe expectations of what data will deliver for the organisation - which may include products or may focus on value, for example, supporting student wellbeing.
Data strategy - responsibilitiesThe definition of capabilities and functions required for data to support organisational objectives.
Data strategy - responsibilities - collaborationThe expectation of how teams will collaborate in data management and reporting, to help address functional and individual siloes.
Data strategy - responsibilities - peopleThe approach to recruiting people with the skills and experience to deliver effective data operations.
Data strategy - responsibilities - resourcingThe balance between the role of IT teams and the capabilities needed in other functional areas.
Data strategy - usageThe definition of how teams and individuals will use data.
Data strategy - usage - accessClarity on how data should be made available as an institutional asset - and the interdependence with effective information governance and security.
Data strategy - usage - decisionsOrganisational expectations on how data should be used by individuals and collectively to support effective decision making.
Data strategy - usage - valueThe definition of what value is attributed to data as an organisational asset.
Data warehouse architectA role responsible for the conceptual design and maintenance of a data warehouse using data warehousing methodologies (eg Kimball).
Data warehouse developerA role responsible for the physical build and maintenance of a data warehouse using data warehousing methodologies, based on agreed standards.
Data warehouseA highly structured collection of tables for analysing and reporting data which blend fields from different sources for onward use. This contrasts with an ODS which is largely copies of system tables. Data is typically denormalised and supports dimensional modelling, based on conceptual thinking from Kimball or Inmon.
Database An organised collection of information or tables of data that mulitple users and processes can access and edit.
Decision making - administrationThe availability of operational reporting to support process delivey.
Decision making - administration - granularityAccess to information at multiple levels of aggregation, from a subject view down to an individual student.
Decision making - administration - informationThe provision of central operational reporting to support day to day processes (eg, a student option change).
Decision making - administration - latencyAvailability of information that at required frequency to support decisions and processes (eg, course places available).
Decision making - data literacyThe capability of teams to work effectively with reporting products.
Decision making - data literacy - analysisThe ability to analyse data, understand materiality and use it to support or dissuade thinking.
Decision making - data Literacy - capabilityClarity on the skillsets required in different roles and support to teams to develop these skills.
Decision making - data literacy - communicationEffective communications in relation to data - understanding the appropriate detail for an audience and demystifying concepts.
Decision making - identifying improvementsThe availability of management information and its use in enabling decisions.
Decision making - identifying improvements - baselineThe provision of central management information reports that  establish an internal "single version of the truth" in business areas.
Decision making - identifying Improvements - benchmarkingThe availabliity of comparator information (eg, sector trends, league tables, regulatory metrics (Ofsted, OFS, UKRI) and it's effective use.
Decision making - identifying improvements - causalityThe ability to query and interpret data to understand the influence of different factors, helping to target the root cause of issues or differentiation.
Decision making - informing policyThe availability of insight that enables the university, college or provider to change or innovate.
Decision making - informing policy - innovationThe aspiration for sector leading activity in data usage and outcomes.
Decision making - informing policy - market differentiationThe use of data for competitive advantage, which in this context relates to how to support students most effectively and an understanding of the sector and your offer within it.
Decision making - informing policy - optimisationThe use of data in defining the best structure for subject areas, departments or professional support functions and the appropriate metrics to monitor their success.
Decision making - measuring changeThe processes to monitor performance.
Decision making - measuring change - benefits realisationThe use of data to define success factors for project and change activity and monitor these post delivery.
Decision making - measuring change - key performance indicatorsThe use of appropriate, actionable and measurable metrics to monitor progress against organisation objectives, as defined within the institutional, college or provider strategy.
Decision making - measuring change - performance indicatorsThe use of appropriate, actionable and measurable metrics to understand the progress made within individual functions.
Decision making - statutory obligationsThe resourcing and support for regulatory requirements.
Decision making - statutoryobligations - FOIsThe processes and data available to respond to freedom of information requests.
Decision making - statutory obligations - PSRBsThe data available to support professional and regulatory demands from funders and accreditors.
Decision making - statutory obligations - statutory returnsThe teams in place to successfully interpret statutory guidance and the data available to fulfil data specifications.
Definitive business questionDBQA statement used in dimensional modelling design to define a fact and it's dimensions from a series of business questions (eg "how many mature students do you have?" and "how many students do you have from the local area?" share the DBQ "how many students do you have?" with age and location dimensions joined).
DeltaIn data warehousing, a way of storing or transmitting data in the form of differences (deltas) between sequential data rather than complete files.
Descriptive analyticsThe process of using current and historical data to identify trends and relationships using metrics such as mean, mode, median and counts.
Digital elevation toolDETA Jisc service for the FE sector - Helping the further education and skills sector get a clear picture of their digital elevation journey with access to resources and services to support next steps.
Digital experience insightsDEIA Jisc service to survey and understand your students, teaching and professional service staff use of technology.
DimensionIn dimensional modelling, the contextual background for facts (eg in student demographics).
Dimensional modellingThe organisation of data into fact and dimension tables for effective onward analysis. The physical imagery of this design led to the term star schema. This modelling technique is associated with data warehouses.
EnterpriseConsiderations across the entire university or college systems, process and capability landscape.
EntityWithin data modelling, the main elements of the domain (eg, student, course).
Entity relationship diagramERDA structural diagram containing the symbols and connectors that visualize major entities and the inter-relationships among them.
Extract, load, transformELTA variant of ETL where extracted data is loaded into the target system first - used where processing power supports transformation in the data warehouse (eg, using cloud technologies).
Extract, transform, loadETLA three-phase process where data is extracted, transformed (cleaned) and loaded into an output table or location (eg, a data warehouse). Data can be collated from one or more sources and it can also be output to one or more destinations.
FactIn dimensional modelling, a collection of associated data items, consisting of measures and context data. It typically represents business items or business transactions (eg a student registration).
InmonA top down enterprise methodology for data warehouse conceptual design.
Key performance indicatorKPIType of performance monitoring to help measure or define how successful an organisation is at meeting its aims and objectives.
KimballA bottom up iterative methodology for data warehouse conceptual design.
Key performance indicatorKPIType of performance monitoring to help measure or define how successful an organisation is at meeting its aims and objectives.
Learning analyticsLAA Jisc service to help providers manage and optimise their students' learning anf engagement.
Logical data modelA data model of a specific domain expressed in terms of data structures such as relational tables and columns.
Machine learningA field of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms trained on data sets to create models that enable machines to perform tasks including categorizing and analyzing data, and predicting changes.
Master dataCore information about entities (eg, a student, a course) that remains relevatively stable over time (eg student name, course name).
Meta dataData about data - it provides information about the structure, provenance and meaning of data (eg date, time, type, last updated). This is where you define what you mean by "a student".
Microsoft AzureMicrosoft’s cloud platform.
Microsoft Data FactoryA Microsoft Azure product for data integration services - in effect, the cloud version of SSIS.
Microsoft FabricA Microsoft implementation of data mesh architecture, providing a cloud based integrated solution for analytics.
Multi dimensional modelA structure in the form of a cube that enables data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions through the use of dimensions and facts.
National student surveyNSSAn annual survey run by the OFS for HE students to assess their satisfaction with their teaching, feedback and facilities.
On premiseSoftware managed and maintained by the university or college, rather than flexibly by a third party in the cloud.
Operational data storeODSA database containing live or near live copies of system tables, sometimes with some light touch transformation (for example, aggregating a series of transactions). It is used for operational reporting and may form the starting point for data warehousing or other analytical products
Oracle Database software and technology provider.
Performance indicatorPIType of performance monitoring to help measure or define how successful a process, service, team or change initiative is at meeting its aims and objectives.
Physical data modelThe model that details the database artefacts required to create relationships between tables, such as indexes, constraints, links and partitions.
POLAR4POLAR classifies local areas into five groups - or quintiles - based on the proportion of young people who enter higher education aged 18 or 19 years old. The methodology to calculate POLAR changes over time and POLAR4 is the most recent.
Power appsMicrosoft's suite of apps, services and data connectors to build custom apps for your university or college.
Power BI Microsoft's data dashboard and analytics platform.
Power Query Microsoft's ETL tool for data transformation that integrates with MS Excel and Power BI.
Predictive analyticsA form of analytics applying machine learning to generate a predictive model.
Prescriptive analyticsA form of analytics which suggests options to take advantage of opportunity or mitigate future risk. It helps you consider "the best course of action to take" in the light of information derived from descriptive and predictive analytics.
Protected characteristicsData that needs more protection because it is sensitive for example age, disibility, ethnicity and others. To process this data, you must identify both a lawful basis under GDPR and process it appropriately.
Professional, statutory and regulatory bodies.PSRBA diverse group of professional and employer bodies, regulators and those with statutory authority over a profession or group of professionals.
Python A general purpose programming language of particular use in data analysis and machine learning.
Qlik A dashboard and analytics platform, previously called QlikView.
RA programming language for statistical analysis and graphics.
Reference dataInformation used to categorise or classify entities (eg subject area, department name).
Relational databaseWhere data is organised into one or more tables of columns and rows, with a unique key identifying each row. Relationships are a logical connection between different tables and can be modelled as an entity-relationship model (ERD).
Report specificationA customer facing definition document detailing the purpose, audience and key business rules in a report. This should be supported by technical documentation or standards detailing transformations for the data engineering or analysis functions.
Reporting - data explorationThe investigation of how data can support new approaches.
Reporting - data exploration - data scienceThe analysis of data within the data platform or reporting layer to discover new insights or drive future reporting provision.
Reporting - data exploration - predictive analyticsThe use of AI tools to enhance analytical capabilities and outputs.
Reporting - data exploration - strategic outputsThe ad hoc analysis of corporate date for executive customers.
Reporting - modelling and datasetsThe creation of datasets in a reporting layer or repository, their audience and purpose.
Reporting - modelling and datasets - availabilityThe definition of permission based access to datasets within the reporting layer.
Reporting - modelling and datasets - integrationThe blending of data from different systems of record to enable value added automated reporting.
Reporting - modelling and datasets - purposeThe understanding of approaches to data storage and the method that best suits the needs of the organisation.
Reporting - orchestrationThe extraction and transformation of data from systems or a data platform into a reporting layer or repository.
Reporting - orchestration - maintenanceThe governance processes that ensure ETL is undertaken effectively and accurately.
Reporting - orchestration - organisationThe journey to automation of daily data processing activity.
Reporting - orchestration - transformationThe value added during data processing to ensure datasets enable automated reporting.
Reporting - report providers and usersThe definition of reporting roles and functional collaboration.
Reporting - report providers and users - approachThe journey to automation of daily report build and analysis.
Reporting - report providers and users - functionsOur investment in analytics capability.
Reporting - report providers and users - hub and spokeThe collaboration between teams and individuals to ensure reporting is fit for purpose.
Reporting - reporting offerThe provision and deployment of effective reporting.
Reporting - reporting offer - core reportingThe specifications and delivery of automated reports and dashboards that support generic requirements.
Reporting - reporting offer - report accessThe provision of a repository for reports and datasets accessible as required.
Reporting - reporting offer - visualisationThe use of charts, colour and storytelling to support report interpretation.
Reporting - requirements traceabilityThe gathering, analysis and translation of reporting requirements into technical specifications to move away from ad hoc delivery.
Reporting - requirements traceability - business questionsThe definition of business requirements to enable the creation of a conceptual data model.
Reporting - requirements traceability - business rulesThe definitions applied to a data set to ensure it meets business requirements (eg, for student populations).
Reporting - requirements traceability - reporting architectureThe structured approach to defining core reporting.
Reporting architectureA customer focused structure for dataset and core reporting production.
Reporting offerThe provision of reporting and services from a central team or collaborative team to the wider university or college. This may be supported by a Service Level Agreement.
Requirements translationThe translation of business requirements or questions into a data specification. This requires hybrid business and data knowledge and is often undertaken by a business intelligence analyst.
Research excellence frameworkREFThe REF was first carried out in 2014, replacing the previous Research assessment exercise. The REF is undertaken by the four UK higher education funding bodies: Research England, the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), and the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland (DfE).
Role based permissionsThe assignment of permissions to systems and data based on a role (eg, Head of Department) rather than by an individual (eg staff name) to ensure appropriate access.
Solution architectA role that creates the overall technical vision for a specific solution to a business problem.
Solution architectureThe design of specific business operations or activities and how they are supported by IT.
SQL Server Analysis ServicesSSAS Online analytical processing tool within SQL Server to analyze and make sense of information across multiple databases, tables or files.
SQL Server Integration ServicesSSIS Data migration tool within SQL server for data integration and workflow applications. It includes a data warehousing tool used for ETL and can automate maintenance of the SQL Server database and updates to cubes.
SQL Server Management StudioSSMS Used for configuring, managing, and administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server.
SQL Server Reporting ServicesSSRS A server-based report generating software system from Microsoft and part of a suite of Microsoft SQL Server services. Administered via a web interface, it can be used to prepare and deliver a variety of interactive and printed reports.
Staff establishmentThe posts agreed by the university or college for the delivery of processes and functions. At any one time, the total establishment will vary from total staff numbers due to recruitment or absence.
Staff record systemSoftware that holds the staff and recruitment database.
Statistical analysisAnalysing data using statistical techniques. These can include applying confident intervals, using regression and hypothesis tests.
Statutory returnMandatory submission of defined data to regulatory body.
Structured query languageSQLA programming language designed for managing data held in a relational databases and particularly useful in handling structured data (eg, relations between entities).
Student record systemSoftware platform that holds student/learner database.
Subject matter expertSMEA person who is an expert in a particular area of the project being delivered. They may be brought onto a project to provide expert guidance or information to ensure the success of the project.
Super userSoftware user that has extended permission levels due to role/knowledge.
Synapse analyticsMicrosoft's cloud based data warehouse.
System of recordThe agreed master source of data for a business area. Many systems hold copies of system data (eg a student record will hold staff information for access permissions) but good data management should include definition of the system of record for all data assets.
Systems and processes - business architectureThe relationship between the "business" - university, college or provider - and its data.
Systems and processes - business architecture - governanceClarity on the roles of IT and the rest of the business in managing data.
Systems and processes - business architecture  - processesThe relationship between data management and our business processes.
Systems and processes - business architecture  - requirementsThe understanding of why the data you have is collected.
Systems and processes - data assetsThe consistent standards and data definitions that support a unified data landscape.
Systems and processes - data assets - data catalogueThe inventory of all data stored by the organisation.
Systems and processes - data assets - master dataThe consistent definition and use of master data across the organisation (eg student name, course name).
Systems and processes - data assets - reference dataThe consistent definition and use of reference data across the organisation (eg domiciles).
Systems and processes - data flowsHow information is added to systems and how data moves between them.
Systems and processes - data flows - automationHow data is integrated between corporate systems (eg, between the student record and the staff record).
Systems and processes - data flows - controlsThe auditing of data as it moves between systems, so that issues are identified and the downstream impact on other systems managed.
Systems and processes - data flows - validationThe processes that support accurate data entry - for example, meta data based field level validation.
Systems and processes - data modelsThe delivery of good governance - how data is managed well and documented effectively.
Systems and processes - data models - data managementThe effective management of data in accordance with data governance policies and frameworks.
Systems and processes - data models - documents and ERDsThe presentation of systems tables and integrations using documents and visual diagrams.
Systems and processes - data models - meta dataThe definition of organisational data terms to enable consistency of application and interpretation (eg. what is a "student"?)
Systems and processes - enterprise architectureThe benefits of enterprise architecture on effective data management.
Systems and processes - enterprise architecture - componentsThe understanding of data architecture as an aspect of enterprise thinking.
Systems and processes - enterprise architecture - designOur approach to the data lifecycle.
Systems and processes - enterprise architecture - organisational agilityOur ability to respond to opportunities and manage risk.
Systems and processes - technology and applicationsThe systems that hold your data.
Systems and processes - technology and applications - applicationsThe approach to an abstract data layer that ensures there is no reliance on point to point system integrations.
Systems and processes - technology and applications - business systemsThe corporate systems in your university, college or provider and their adoption as the system of record.
Systems and processes - technology and applications - servers and storageThe effective storage of data and processing power available to the  organisation.
Systems architectureThe conceptual model that defines the elements of a system, the relationships between those elements, and the rules governing them. This may consist of hardware, software, documentation, facilities, manual procedures, and the roles played by the organsation or people.
Tableau A dashboard and analytics platform owned by Salesforce.
Tableau pulseAn AI-enabled analytics solution to enhance Tableau dashboard interactivity.
Tabular modelA data model using column storage in memory that can provide fast results for some measures (eg, distinct counts) than a multidimensional model (cube).
Tailored data setTDSA Jisc service providing bespoke datasets from the student, staff, estates or finance record.
Technical metadataThe technical characteristics of the physical assets in systems (eg file, database, application, ETL job).
Technology architectureA high-level map or plan of the techncial means in the organization,including machines, computer systems and even the physical design of the building that holds the hardware.
Time seriesData collected over time - weekly, monthly, annually - and analysed for trends. It is the starting point for forecasting or other predictive activity.
Transactional dataSpecific data that details individual processes (eg a student course registration).
Visual StudioA Microsoft development environment which can be used to build and deploy cubes.