Data strategy
Define the role of data within your organisation within the data maturity framework.
Who owns data strategy?

- university executive board
- college executive team
- senior leadership team
The vice chancellor or college chief executive/principal have overall responsibility for data strategy. This may be delegated to one of the following roles:
- chief information officer
- chief data officer
Where these posts or equivalent are not in place, ownership may rest with:
- chief operating officer
- director of IT
- director of planning
- head of ICT
- head of management information systems
The purpose of a data strategy
A data strategy defines the institutional or college role of data.
This should provide clarity on:
- How data will support the delivery of strategies and objectives.
- Who is accountable for data and how decisions are made in relation to its use.
- How data is generated, managed, and stored appropriately and the role of IT and corporate systems.
- Who is responsible for transforming data into information and how they understand requirements and compliance effectively.
- How teams should use data products in their roles and how performance against the strategy is assessed.
It is good practice to agree principles in relation to data which can provide user friendly summaries of key elements of the strategy. You may want to create a vision statement to help market the strategy.
Data strategy and data maturity
Mature institutions and colleges are likely to have a strategy in place that has been approved at executive level and reflects a consensus that has been reached across the organisation. This will be supported by operational activity to deliver the strategy which is progressing successfully.
Where institutions and colleges are less mature, the role of strategy may be less clear:
- A data strategy is in place but does not drive or influence behaviour.
- No data strategy is in place, but activities are progressing, and consensus may be developing organically.
- There is a lack of clarity on the role of the executive and/or the role of those undertaking activities.
Data strategy themes
Data strategy is divided into the following six thematic areas.
Executive engagement
The role and responsibilities of the executive in the delivery of effective data management activities.
Executive accountability
The priority assigned to the management and use of data as an organisational asset by the executive or senior leadership team.
The definition of capabilities and functions required for data to support organisational objectives.
The definition of how data can support organisational objectives.
Information lifecycle
The university, college or provider approach to managing information, its appetite for risk and awareness of constraints.
The definition of how teams and individuals will use data.
Data governance
The vice chancellor or college chief executive/principal is accountable for data governance.
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