I am director of further education (FE), skills and training at Jisc. A key function of my role is to ensure Jisc meets the needs of providers within the FE and skills sector. I also lead the training team who provide Jisc's external training to members across all sectors, including higher education, further education and skills and research and our customers.
I work closely with funders, sector agencies and providers to ensure Jisc constantly understands the latest sector priorities and challenges. The intelligence I gather helps Jisc directorates plan and respond to the ever changing needs of our FE and skills members. In addition I ensure the training delivered by the training team is of a high quality and meets the changing needs of our members and customers.
I am an adult returner learner and therefore a product of the further education sector. Before joining Jisc, I was a tutor, advanced practitioner, project manager and learning resources and ILT development manager within an FE college, where I held strategic roles for a number of years.