My role is focused on access and use of digital content for learning, teaching and research. I offer guidance and support on the discovery of digital collections and investigate ways in which we can make more content available to our members.
I have responsibility for the digital archival collections group purchasing scheme – an innovative purchasing model based on a very simple principle – the more products collectively purchased by our members, the lower the price for everyone involved.
I'm a digital archivist with extensive experience in the areas of preservation and access to multimedia collections, copyright and contracts.
I worked in the BBC Archives before working in archival research for the BBC and PBS WGBH educational television. I became the first digital archives manager at WGBH, navigating the complexities of born-digital materials and creating websites based on programme materials from the archives.
Prior to joining Jisc I was the knowledge transfer and sustainability manager for the EU funded Presto4U project through King's College London, based on building communities of practice around differing types of collection owners and offering advice and guidance on best practices for audiovisual collections.