I am leading Jisc’s programme of activity within the open access (OA) monographs space and the relationship with members, Research England, UKRI, Wellcome Trust, cOAlition S and UUK.
This role acts as the lead for communications on OA monographs within Jisc and with members and stakeholders in the UK in addition to cultivating international relationships. This includes acting as the UK representative for OPERAS, the European Research Infrastructure for the development of open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities and leading Jisc’s work for the Research England and Arcadia funded COPIM project.
Previously I worked in the university sector for 23 years, most recently at the University of Huddersfield where I managed the library resources budget, open access services and the University of Huddersfield Press. I am a Chartered Librarian (MCLIP) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). I was awarded my professional doctorate in 2017 for research on New University Press publishing. I am also co-author of TERMS (Techniques in E-Resources Management) alongside Jill Emery (Portland State University) and Peter McCracken (Cornell University).