Based in the subject specialists team, I help people make the most of all that we have to offer around online learning and improving the digital student experience.
I work with colleagues across Jisc to support members find solutions, by sharing best practice, providing bespoke advice and guidance and signposting appropriate digital resources that enable organisations to move forward. This involves working in areas such as research excellence, building and sustaining communities of practice, learning and teaching, and developing the digital experience for staff and learners alike.
My support is tailored to member needs, but typically includes input at briefings, webinars, participation in specialist forums, delivery at conferences and events, and responding to enquiries.
I initially studied classics and philosophy in Wales, so although I have a passion for technology I’m equally at home exploring the ancient ruins of Greece without wifi. After leaving university I started my career as a librarian and then later moved into teaching on a number of education and IT related subject areas.
Developing digital literacies in staff and learners has been a recurring thread in much of the work I have carried out in all my previous roles and I’m passionate about making the most of what technology has to offer. I joined Jisc in 2008 and worked for the Regional Support Centre based in Leeds as an e-learning advisor, where I took on a number of roles that included managing forums and events, staff development, and project management.